Eastern Iowa Horse & Pony Camp



Online camp applications open the last Sunday in January each year at 8:00am and will be accepted until the camp is full. Once camp is full, youth may request to be placed on our waiting list. We offer payment by either credit card, Venmo or PayPal. There is no refund on the registration fee. Space is limited.

You will be notified by email whether or not your camp application was accepted with in 10 business days of submission. A welcome letter with important camp information will be emailed out by March 15th. After May 1st, a final email will be sent that includes check in information, volunteer schedules, check in forms, etc. 


Online camp applications open the last Sunday in January each year at 8:00am and will be accepted until the camp is full. Once camp is full, youth may request to be placed on our waiting list. We offer payment by either credit card, Venmo or PayPal. There is no refund on the registration fee. Space is limited. 

You will be notified by email whether or not your camp application was accepted with in 10 business days of submission. A welcome letter with important camp information will be emailed out by March 15th. After May 1st, a final email will be sent that includes check in information, volunteer schedules, check in forms, etc. 


The 2024 camp fee is $550 and includes the following:

  • box stall for the camper’s horse
  • camp T-shirt
  • room and board
  • all camp activities
  • daily meals

Campers are required to bring their own horse, pony, or mule to camp. These animals should be experienced and well broke. Horses and ponies less than four years of age, unbrok/very green horses, stallions, or mares with foals at their side will not be allowed. Campers will do better and learn more bringing a seasoned animal to camp. 

They are also responsible for providing their own tack, supplies, feed, and bedding for their equine friend. We ask that the campers are able to control and care for their horse. Assistance will be provided if campers need help saddling and bridling. Board memebers and mentors will be in the barn to assist campers in lifting, tightening, and checking saddles.  

Campers must carry their own insurance on themselves, their horse, and their tack. All campers must have an ASTM or SEI approved riding helmet. This helmet must be worn at all times while mounted on the horse. Appropriate riding boots are also required by all campers while mounted on their horse.


The 2024 camp fee is $550 and includes the following:

  • box stall for the camper’s horse
  • camp T-shirt
  • room and board
  • all camp activities
  • daily meals

Campers are required to bring their own horse, pony, or mule to camp. These animals should be experienced and well broke. Horses and ponies less than four years of age, unbrok/very green horses, stallions, or mares with foals at their side will not be allowed. Campers will do better and learn more bringing a seasoned animal to camp. 

They are also responsible for providing their own tack, supplies, feed, and bedding for their equine friend. We ask that the campers are able to control and care for their horse. Assistance will be provided if campers need help saddling and bridling. Board memebers and mentors will be in the barn to assist campers in lifting, tightening, and checking saddles.  

Campers must carry their own insurance on themselves, their horse, and their tack. All campers must have an ASTM or SEI approved riding helmet. This helmet must be worn at all times while mounted on the horse. Appropriate riding boots are also required by all campers while mounted on their horse.


Girls stay in the 4H building and boys stay in the Equestrian Center on the fairground’s property. Both buildings are air conditioned. Campers will need to provide all bedding and a single cot or single air mattress to sleep on in the dorms.

Camp will provide an individual box stall for the camper’s horse in a covered barn at the fairgrounds Campers are responsible for brining all of their horse’s bedding and feed for the week. They will also be responsible for feeding, watering, and cleaning their horse’s stall each day. Board members, volunteers, staff and mentors will be available to supervise and assist with these chores.


7:00 AM – Rise and Shine!
7:15 AM – Feed and Water Horses. Clean Stalls.
8:00 AM – Breakfast
9:00 AM to 12:00 PM – Lessons, E-cademy, & Free Time
12:00 PM – Lunch
1:00 PM to 4:00 PM – Lessons, E-cademy, & Free Time
4:15 PM – Special Electives
5:00 PM – Feed and Water Horses. Clean Stalls.
5:45 PM – Supper
7:00 PM – Evening Activity
9:00 PM – Retreat to the Dorms
9:30 PM – Lights Out

Tuesday’s schedule may vary slightly due to individual and group photos.

Friday’s schedule will follow the regular morning and afternoon routine except for there will be no electives on Friday with awards and camper check out beginning at 4:15 pm.


7:00 AM – Rise and Shine!
7:15 AM – Feed and Water Horses. Clean Stalls.
8:00 AM – Breakfast
9:00 AM to 12:00 PM – Lessons, E-cademy, & Free Time
12:00 PM – Lunch
1:00 PM to 4:00 PM – Lessons, E-cademy, & Free Time
4:15 PM – Special Electives
5:00 PM – Feed and Water Horses. Clean Stalls.
5:45 PM – Supper
7:00 PM – Evening Activity
9:00 PM – Retreat to the Dorms
9:30 PM – Lights Out

Tuesday’s schedule may vary slightly due to individual and group photos.

Friday’s schedule will follow the regular morning and afternoon routine except for there will be no electives on Friday with awards and camper check out beginning at 4:15 pm.


Each day the camper will participate in two riding lessons with a group of 6 to 8 riders that match their skill level, age, and riding interests. Each rider will have the same two experienced riding instructors throughout the week so that they can work on their riding goals.

The E-cademy is a hands on based lesson that happens twice a day for 45 minutes. Classes will have about 30-40 students. Each session brings in an area guest speaker to discuss relevant topics. E-cademy topics may include: parts of the horse, grooming, vet care, hoof care, breeds of the world, show grooming, roping, hippotherapy, first aid, equine chiropractic, budgeting for owning a horse, careers in the industry, yoga, goat tying, equine acupuncture, hippology, nutrition, etc.

Each day campers will also have the chance to sign up for special electives that range from showmanship at halter, advanced western pleasure, barrels, painting, horsemanship, English riding, roping, ground work, line dancing, equine dentistry, trail obstacles, competitive judging, pole bending, and more. An elective sign up form is emailed out 2-3 months prior to the start of camp. 

There are also scheduled evening activities throughout the week. Some of these activities may include a trail ride, pool, bowling, dance, bonfire, obstacle course, movies, games, or various equine demonstrations. Youth may be transported off campus to participate in one of these activities.

Every day campers will have several free time periods to hang out with their friends, bathe their horse, clean their horse’s stall, or check out the camp’s snack bar. Snack cards can be purchased at check in. Any balance remaining on the cards will be refunded during check out on Saturday. 


Each day the camper will participate in two riding lessons with a group of 6 to 8 riders that match their skill level, age, and riding interests. Each rider will have the same two experienced riding instructors throughout the week so that they can work on their riding goals.

The E-cademy is a hands on based lesson that happens twice a day for 45 minutes. Classes will have about 30-40 students. Each session brings in an area guest speaker to discuss relevant topics. E-cademy topics may include: parts of the horse, grooming, vet care, hoof care, breeds of the world, show grooming, roping, hippotherapy, first aid, equine chiropractic, budgeting for owning a horse, careers in the industry, yoga, goat tying, equine acupuncture, hippology, nutrition, etc.

Each day campers will also have the chance to sign up for special electives that range from showmanship at halter, advanced western pleasure, barrels, painting, horsemanship, English riding, roping, ground work, line dancing, equine dentistry, trail obstacles, competitive judging, pole bending, and more. An elective sign up form is emailed out 2-3 months prior to the start of camp. 

There are also scheduled evening activities throughout the week. Some of these activities may include a trail ride, pool, bowling, dance, bonfire, obstacle course, movies, games, or various equine demonstrations. Youth may be transported off campus to participate in one of these activities.

Every day campers will have several free time periods to hang out with their friends, bathe their horse, clean their horse’s stall, or check out the camp’s snack bar. Snack cards can be purchased at check in. Any balance remaining on the cards will be refunded during check out on Saturday. 


From the beginning, the Most Improved Camper Award has been presented to campers each year. In 2015, the EIHPC board created an award paddle that each camper receives. The paddle is a continuous symbol of a camper’s progress and experiences created at camp. Awards and earned brand(s) are based on nominations from the Board, Instructors, Mentors, and other Staff. 

The awards ceremony will be held during the camper’s scheduled E-cademy on Friday afternoon, which parents are invited to attend. First time campers will receive their camp medallion paddles and return campers will receive their new brand during that time. Most Improved Camper awards will be announced at 4:15 during our large group awards ceremony.


From the beginning, the Most Improved Camper Award has been presented to campers each year. In 2015, the EIHPC board created an award paddle that each camper receives. The paddle is a continuous symbol of a camper’s progress and experiences created at camp. Awards and earned brand(s) are based on nominations from the Board, Instructors, Mentors, and other Staff. 


The awards ceremony will be held during the camper’s scheduled E-cademy on Friday afternoon, which parents are invited to attend. First time campers will receive their camp medallion paddles and return campers will receive their new brand during that time. Most Improved Camper awards will be announced at 4:15 during our large group awards ceremony.


Professional picture packages of the camper with their horse can be purchased and information about ordering will be provided prior to camp. These pictures will be taken one afternoon during the week. If your camper needs an outfit or show halter for pictures, please plan accordingly. A large group camp picture will also be taken that afternoon.
